A scared newbie's guide to starting D&D:
"My heart was beating just a bit faster. My throat? Decidedly dry. My hands? Oh Lord, what do I do with my hands? What sort of event could put me in such a state? 1. A job interview. 2. A first date. 3. Climbing into a rocket about to go into space. 4. My first time going to play D&D. The answer, I'm not proud to say, was number four. I can't fully explain it either. Anyone who knows me will tell you I am an outgoing person; an extrovert in just about every way. But Dungeons and Dragons? It kind of terrified me, and talking with other friends who are new to the game or considering it, I hear similar stories. My boyfriend, Matthew, is the one who found the Meetup group for local D&D and other role playing games. He'd been talking about the game for years and even considered DMing a 3.5 session with our friends a few times. I thought it sounded fun but he had experience with the game from childhood. Most people I knew who played D&D had done so in high school or earlier. I felt like I had missed the boat maybe. All I knew about the game was that it involved dice and role playing a character with other people. This is the knowledge I walked in with that first Wednesday we went to Game HQ for D&D night. I timidly followed Matthew in. Right away we were greeted with a smile by one of the nicest people I've ever met, Robert. He got us our DCI cards and took us to a table to play. I couldn't believe that we could just dive right in. Our DM had some ready-made characters for us to play and we rushed into the dungeon to help the others fight off some baddies. I was afraid of admitting that I didn't know anything. And I do mean anything. What's initiative? What do these numbers mean? Is this a d8 or d10? However, everyone was extremely patient and kind. No one made me feel like I had a dumb question. Instead, I think they were all happy to share their knowledge and bring in new people. We've been playing every week for about two months now and I can't believe I was ever nervous. I have fun each week. Yes, sometimes I still forget which dice to use or need someone to help explain my spells, but I'm learning. We've met incredible new friends and I can't wait for the next Wednesday night to play again. Curious about D&D but feeling nervous too? Take it from me, you won't regret giving it a chance. I've never met a more welcoming community. Find a group near you [On the Links Page]. Happy gaming!" Amber has it right gang, We love new players more than anything! The link she provided is on the Links Page. Thanks Amber for sharing your experience! If you are interested in learning more about Amber Hanneken, you can visit her site HERE
"The very first time I played any table top RPG was DnD 5th ed. I was rolling a Half Orc Paladin. This was during the early beta so I didn't want to get too attached, which was probably for the best as he died later during that campaign. During my first combat phase a fighter and myself were in the thick of battle surrounded by cultist back to back in order to prevent flanking. So, for my first roll, I choose the biggest baddest target within reach... then I rolled a natural 1. I ended up dropping my hammer on my fighter companion's head for nearly max damage.
"It all worked out in the end. We won and I was actually able to "save" the day by jumping over a huge cavernous pit in order to grab a staff that was required to complete our mission. Since that day I have been hooked. Regardless of all of the natural 1's I have rolled since then, RPG's have provided me with new stories to tell, new ways of looking at things, and amazing people that I would never have known otherwise." Thanks Marcus W. for your submission! I look forward to sharing these stories with you in the future! Happy you got to save the day! ~ Oak |
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