Livia Evandros is a dwarven caravan guard for Windbreak. Disciplined fury and unbridled glee marry perfectly in this champion of the trade ways. A perfect companion on the road, Livia brings a jovial mood to those around her, and puts them at ease. Her songs and games make many feel at home, even when traveling far from it.
She does not judge by nation or creed, but on deed alone. She knows songs of battle in many languages, and is quick to identify those who have served in an army, and often knows their rank, and the appropriate greetings (In their own language of course). Her songs fill the night, and she says it keeps monsters away, which is partially true. Her noise keeps wild animals far from the caravan. Her lighthearted mood is infectious, and she enjoys seeing others smile, doing her best to make memories with all she meets. Many are often surprised in the heat of the moment to see her go to war. She does not stop singing and making merry to do battle. On the contrary, she revels in the battle, taking her song into the fray. There is a song in Windbreak sung that many claim is written for her, and others say she is too young to be the subject. The topic is gladly debated, because it is fitting regardless of it's original subject. "Her feet beat the rhythm in lieu of drums, her voice leads the battle, where few come from, She leads from the front with axe a gleaming Her face smile split, and red blood steaming!" She, of course, laughs when she hears the song, and joins in on the debate. She spends a lot of her time in town at the bars, and The Last Drop is her favorite stop. If there is no bard or poet, she will try to get the patrons to sing Dwarven drinking songs. ___________________________________________________________________ DM Talk: Using Livia should bring a high level of fun, tempered with the theme of bloodlust. Livia is intended to give a reliable, fun loving character to your standard "Guard the caravan" story line, while highlighting an inherent danger in the work. She is good at it, but sometimes seems to enjoy it a bit too much. Livia is widely known for walking into a party of ambushers, and laughing her way back to the wagon. She has been working in Windbreak for many years. How dark or fun she is should be completely up to you. She might engage in competitions with other adventurers for a wager, or she might challenge them to a show of strength. She likes bawdy jokes and strong drinks. Though she's as like to give as she is to receive.
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NPC TuesdaysWhen you need an NPC you don't have time to make one up on the Fly. A good storyteller has between 6 and 7 NPCs on standby that can breathe life into your campaign. Don't worry, Here is a weekly update for you to use! Bag of Holding
January 2016